Today her speech therapist, Stefanie, came over and did a Pre-school Language Scale Test. This is a test that they do for normal hearing kids. Here is how Sadie scored:
Receptive Language (what she understands):
Sadie’s Score: 150
Age Equivalent: 2 years, 11 months
Expressive Language (what she says):
Sadie’s Score: 133
Age Equivalent: 2 years 1 month
Total Language
Sadie’s Score: 145
Age Equivalent: 2 years 6 months
Standard Score of 85-115 is normal range
Sadie is 99th percentile!!!!!!!!
I could not be more thrilled and am so thankful to have grandparents, family, friends, and therapists who are all involved with Sadie's life and have helped her to get where she is at. She couldn't do it without them.
Next up - Calculus! :)