Saturday, February 25, 2012


The past two days have been extremely crazy around the Lovins house.  Troy left for Qatar for 6 days, so my fantastic mom is staying with me to help with Sadie and the puppy.  There is no way I could watch both by myself.  Friday my dad was admitted to the ER because he was sick and dizzy.  His blood pressure was extremely low.  They kept him overnight and discovered that he has an ulcer.  Luckily they can think they can treat it with medicine.  Hopefully he can come home soon too!
Saturday we got Sadie's 18 month pictures taken.  She did "okay."  She didn't really want to stand still and pose or smile.  Finally, the fabulous Wendy got out the bubbles and we got lots of smiles.  I can't wait to see the pictures. 

Later Louie, Sadie, Mom and I spent some time outside playing since the weather wasn't too shabby.  Here are a few pictures!

 Later that night I tried to manage both Sadie and Louie on my lap at once. Talk about two squirmy animals!
After realizing two on my lap wasn't going to happen, I finally decided to give Louie a tiny bit of a dog bone to entertain him. Sadie kept saying "bone" was cute. Then she got up, pointed to her high chair and said "eat." She hadn't eaten much for dinner, so I figured she was hungry. I got her up in her chair and said "what do you want to eat" and she said "bone!"  I was like, uh, honey, those are only for Louie.... how about strawberries, those are good too :) Love that kid! 

Sunday Sadie turns 18 months old! I can't believe how big she is getting.  And her vocabulary is exploding. I can't even keep track of how many words she has. She pretty much just repeats everything you say.  A few of my favorites are "Hey Ya'll," "Cheerio," and "Louie" (which sounds like ooo-ee).  I was telling Louie the other night to "get down" (he was trying to jump into the dishwasher). He kept persisting and so I said "Louie, what did I say?" and Sadie says "Down!"  Hey, at least someone was listening to me!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Outcomes of Children with Hearing Loss Part 2

Last month we traveled back to KU Med to meet with the fantastic folks who work for the Boystown Study.  Sadie participated in some activities and was evaluated by the staff.  We received her results in the mail a few weeks later and were excited to learn that she is still speaking at the same level as children with normal hearing :)  The Outcomes of Children With Hearing Loss has also started sending out a newsletter to keep the parents up to date on the project.  The first newsletter got sent out today and guess whose picture was on display?  I must admit it took me a minute to determine FOR SURE if that was Sadie.  Such a bad mom, but to be honest, I haven't looked at pictures of her that young in so cut me some slack! :) 

This past week Sadie's language has really started erupting.  She is saying more and more words and is getting better at putting the ending consonants onto her words.  She surprised me the other day in therapy by saying yellow and purple when asked the color of something.  She has also become the QUEEN DIVA of temper tantrums.  I thought they were bad before, whoa!  And I am sure they will only get worse.  Ah, good times :)

I will try and update the blog next week with more pictures. I have been slacking!