Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Polar Express

Sadie has loved the movie/book Polar Express since we first read it to her (Great Aunt Chris got it for Sadie for her first Christmas).  So in early December we took a road trip to Branson, MO where they have a "Polar Express" train ride.  We planned the trip with 2 other families way back in August, so we were excited for the trip to finally come!  It was horrible weather and we were lucky to make it down to Branson, but Sadie had such a great time that I was so thankful we were able to make it. 

The train ride started off by reading the Polar Express book. Then they brought out unlimited hot chocolate and cookies!  Next we passed by Santa, and next thing you knew, he was inside the train!  He went right up to Sadie, patted her on the head, and said "Be Good!."  Wow, I didn't even have to pay him to do that! :)  Then he gave each of the kids a bell, which Sadie rang all night long.  And if you have seen the movie, then you will know how cute it is when Sadie says "Mom, I still believe!" (see video below).

 Polar Express Train
 Ready to go with my book and everything!
 One of the characters in the movie!
Enjoying hot chocolate with Hannah!

 Santa waving outside!
 Santa came inside!

While we were in Branson, our elves made a visit.  Meet Zippy, Little Red, and our elf, Ginger.
I wonder who won?

And finally, our last night in Branson we watched the MU SEC Championship against Auburn.  Unfortunately, we lost, however, I got this uber cute picture of Troy, Stella, and Sadie :)

Only time you will see Troy smile when MU loses!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Home on the Range

She might not be able to carry a tune, but she is still pretty cute!
PS-to give her a little credit, she did have a cold.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

New Ears, New Tears

As you may have read in previous posts, Sadie's hearing has progressively gotten worse over the past 2 years.  It has decreased by about 10 db in various frequencies.  As must as I didn't want to admit it, I knew it was probably time to get new hearing aids.  I love, love, love (did I mention that I love) her current hearing aids (Widex Baby 440).  However, they just don't have enough power to support Sadie's current hearing thresholds. 

So, off to the Audiologist we went.  We spoke a lot about the various options that we had, however, I knew that I wanted to stay with the Widex brand if at all possible.  They are the Cadillac of hearing aids, and they are worth every penny.  After previous experiences with different brands, there was no way I could go backwards.  Our audiologist called up the pediatric rep for Widex and said "Do you remember Sadie Lovins?" and her response was "Do I remember her? I have her all over my marketing collateral." Sadie was the first child at MEI fit with the Widex Baby hearing aids, so the sales reps used her as a case study for a conference.  Anyways, after discussing the various options for Sadie, the rep decided to let us borrow her loaner aids.  She said that she thought Widex might be coming out with something new, but she didn't know what it was or when.  So instead of us buying something now (and potentially outdated soon), she was gracious enough to let us borrow this set of aids until we find out what is in store for the future. Thank you Widex!!!  Her new aids are the Clear Fusion 440.

The hard part with these new aids, however, was that Sadie would have to transition to a more typical ear mold.  The Widex Baby's have been great because they have the receive in the canal.  They are super easy to put in and they hardly show!  But with that type of receiver comes less power. So we had an ear mold created while we were visiting the audiologist.  We hadn't had one created in over 2 years!

A couple of weeks later when we were at MEI for speech therapy, her audiologist let us know that her aids came in. She had a few minutes to spare, so she was able to fit Sadie in to her schedule (nice not to have to make another trip down to MEI!)  I had been talking to Sadie about how she was going to get "big girl hearing aids" and she had been excited, so I figured this transition would be a piece of cake.  Oh how I was wrong.

The first thing Sadie said was "They aren't pink."  Uh oh, here we go.  Next when I tried to put them in her ears she FREAKED out. She started sobbing and asking for her old hearing aids back.  The audiologist immediately turned the aids down, thinking that maybe they were too loud. I knew, however, that it was just Sadie not liking the new ear molds.  Talk about breaking my heart. She cried and cried for about 20 minutes.  The whole time I am trying to calm her down without breaking down myself. I just kept thinking, this is SO not fair that she has to go through this.  But, I finally got my head straighted out and realized that it could be so much worse.  So, after lots of hugs (and a bribe of a new toy), I was able to get the new aids in her ears.  She still did not like them, but she kept them in. I didn't feel comfortable leaving her all day with these new aids for fear of another melt down, so I ended up taking the day off work.  And off to the toy store we went.

All day I asked Sadie if I could put jewels or glitter on her new aids, but she would not let me (odd for her).  At nap time she asked to keep them in.  I was in no mood for an argument, so I let her.  That night she asked to keep them in all night (odd again), so I told her that we had to let her ears breathe.  I tried AGAIN to let her allow me to jazz up her aids, and she finally let me! So we blinged out her aids, and now she LOVES them.  She went to school the next day and was showing off her aids to all the teachers and her friends. At nap time she said to her teacher "you can take my aids out, but try not to break them, they are new."  Man I love that kid! 

  Her old aids and new aids side by side (check out that bling).
How her old aids used to look in her ear
 How her new aids look in her ear.  You can see the mold is very different and how it could feel funny to her.

3 Year Old Speech & Language Evaluation

Now that Sadie is 3 years old she no longer qualifies for speech therapy services through First Steps.  Nor does she qualify for services through our school district.  Therefore, in order for Sadie to continue to stay ahead of the game, we decided to start speech therapy with an SLP from MEI.  Her name is Miss Megan, and she is fantastic!  Before we started therapy services with her, Sadie had to be re-evaluated for speech and language since her last evaluation was 6 months ago.  I always like for Sadie to be evaluated so I monitor her progress and ensure she is staying ahead of the curve. 

The test they gave Sadie was called the CELF-Preschool-2.  It is a standardized test of receptive and expressive language, normalized on hearing children ranging from ages 3 to 7 years old. It is the hardest test they are able to give someone Sadie's age.  Before Sadie was given any part of the test, her SLP gave her trial questions to ensure she understood the task. 

Sadie's Core Language score (which is made up of Sentence Structure, Word Structure, and Expressive Vocabulary) was 121.  The average range for same-aged hearing students is 85-115. 

Sadie's Language Content Index score (which s made up of Expressive Vocabulary, Concepts and Following Directions, and Basic Concepts) was 126.  The average range for same-aged hearing students is 85-115.

Sadie's Language Sentence Index Score (made up of Sentence Structure, Word Structure, and Recalling Sentences) was 123.  The average range for same-aged hearing students is 85-115.

When we met with Miss Megan to review the results she said "I have good news and bad news.  The good news is Sadie is doing amazing.  The bad news is I can't find much to work on her with that is age appropriate." Talk about making this momma's day!  So we agreed that we would meet every 6 weeks to work on some articulation, as well as a few areas that are above Sadie's age range.

Let me just say--I am not sharing this news just to brag on Sadie.  I am sharing it because I am so darn proud of how far she has come with this hearing loss.  It proves that hearing loss does not have to be a limitation.  For anyone reading this that has a child with hearing loss, or knows someone that does, please believe that anything is possible!

Studious Sadie

Friday, September 6, 2013

3 Years Young

Sadie turned 3 last week and I still can't believe my baby is growing up.  I absolutely love this age (with the exception of the tantrums). Sadie is such a funny, smart little girl. 

We had a Dora party to celebrate her 3rd birthday.  Sadie was blessed to have lots of family and friends help celebrate her big day.

Sadie also moved up to the big kids class at pre-school. She moved from the Ladybugs classroom to the Zebras and has done very well with the transition.  Her school has the best teachers. They just love Sadie, and she loves them!

In other news, now that Sadie has turned 3, she is no longer eligible for First Steps services.  Therefore, we had to find a new speech therapist.  Luckily, Midwest Ear Institute has a SLP, so we have started sessions with Miss Megan.  We had an evaluation this week and will find out the results  in a couple of weeks at our next session.  I figured it was a good sign that all throughout the session she kept saying "She JUST turned 3?!?."  We should also be getting some new hearing aids in the next couple of weeks.  More to come once she gets them!

And finally, to celebrate Sadie turning into a "big girl," we gave her a big girl room.  We had so much fun painting and decorating it.  Huge thanks to Granny Kathy and my mom for helping out.  Sadie absolutely loves her new room!

 Barbie Stuff!  Just what I wanted!
 Light up cowgirl boots...princess boots!
 And a matching light up cowgirl hat...mom might be stealing that!
 Barbie Princess wings!
 YAY! More Barbie stuff!
 And MORE Barbie stuff.
 Opening a card from grandma on my actual birthday
Miss Tina telling me to get my gloves on!
Passing out cupcakes at school 
Sadie reminding every child not to eat them until they sing Happy  Birthday! 
 That is a gooood cupcake! 
My new room! 
My book nook!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Saying Goodbye

"Its so hard, to say good-bye"....insert 80's Boys II Men music here.

I have been dreading this day, and writing this post (therefore I am about a week late in writing it).  I am sad to say that Sadie's audiologist, Miss Erin, left the Midwest Ear Institute to move to California.  To say I was devastated when she told me the news is an understatement.  Erin is the one that helped get me through the mental, emotional and physical stress of  having a child diagnosed with hearing loss. She is am amazing person and audiologist and I am so sad to have lost her at MEI. She has taught me so much, but most of all that hearing loss is not a limitation in life.  Every child has their own set of challenges, Sadie's just happens to be her hearing. 

I had to find a little irony in the last visit we had with Miss Erin a couple of weeks ago.  The first time I met Erin she gave me bad news...Sadie had hearing loss.  At my last visit with Erin, she gave me bad news again...Sadie's hearing loss has progressed over the last two years.  Her hearing is about 10 db worse than when she was born.  The good news, though, is that Sadie is still making GREAT progress.  As for now, her hearing aids are still working for her.  If for some reason that changes, we can try stronger aids.  If that doesn't work then we might have to investigate a Cochlear Implant.  However, at this time, Sadie is doing just fine.  I pray her hearing loss doesn't get worse, but if it does, I am so grateful to have the Midwest Ear Institute.  Even though I won't have Erin there anymore, there is a team of great audiologists who will take great care of Sadie.

Erin told me before she left, and with such conviction that I have to believe her, that "No matter what happens with Sadie's hearing, she is going to do just fine."   And she couldn't me more right!

Thank you Miss Erin, for everything. We miss you!

4th of July Vacation

We decided this year's family vacation would be a week long stay at the Lake of the Ozarks.  Before we headed out of town, however, we thought Sadie might enjoy Kaleidoscope and lunch at Fritz's.

 Waiting in line with Grandma. We were the first ones there!
 Water coloring. Something I rarely get to do!
 Drawing like an expert.
 Final touches on my masterpiece.
And of course I have to finish lining up all my supplies! I am so organized!
YAY! Lunch time!
The next day we headed down to the lake. We had some relaxing time before the rest of the family joined us, so we decided to take Sadie on her first Go Kart ride, as well as watch the sun set with a glass of wine (water for Sadie of course).
 Getting ready for Nascar!
 Special treat for mom and dad!
Later that week the rest of Troy's  family arrived.  Sadie LOVES getting to spend time with her cousins.

 Happy Americas!
Cousin Nolan and Aunt Veronica.  Nolan is a heart breaker! 
 Making cupcakes with Pap, Caleb, Nolan and our buddy Roman!
 Um, this is pretty good
And of course I have to jazz up my 4th of July outfit!  Scuba mask..the perfect accessory!
Oh, and I did a little artwork while I was down at the lake. 
Yep, I can color better than my mom and dad!
Later that night we headed out on the boat for some fireworks! Sadie really enjoyed them..for about 5 minutes. Then she was off to play with her buddy Kate!
 Watching the fireworks in the front of the boat with daddy!
(PS-Anyone else have hair envy of this child!)
Sadie and her buddy Kate!
We had a great vacation, even if we didn't travel too far.  We got to spend lots of quality time with Sadie and enjoy our boat!  Sadie even got the be the captain!
I rule this joint!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Summer Time Fun!

We have kicked off the summer right by spending lots of time at the lake, as well as Sadie enjoying her first Royals' Game. 

We headed to the lake for the first time over Memorial Day.  The water was FREEZING, but that didn't stop Sadie from jumping right in (her daddy was so proud!).  She is going to be a fish in water, just like her dad.  We had some friends join us for the weekend, so Sadie had a great time playing with Stella and Baron.

 Nice night to chill, don't you think Stella?
 Model Pose!
 Boat Ride!
 Swimming with dad, I don't care how cold it is!
 Might as well drive the boat while I am at it!
All snuggled up with Stella!

The following weekend Sadie got to experience her first Royals game.  Troy's company purchased tickets for all of its employees, as well as family members.  All Sadie could talk about the week prior was going to the game and getting cotton candy.  I got a little backlash from a friend for not dressing Sadie in any Royals gear (ahem, Jenn), so I ended up splurging and getting Sadie a Royal's hat while we were there as well.  She was quite the trooper and actually made it through the entire game.  Within 5 minutes of getting into her car seat, though, she was fast asleep.  It definitely wore her out!

 A little ladder golf lesson before the game.
 Me &Mommy!
 Finally....some Cotton Candy! (Notice my new hat too!)

Family pic!

I won't smile for mom, but I will when Nathan takes my picture. Hmmmm?!

Last weekend we headed down to the lake again with some more friends.  The weather wasn't all that cooperative, but we still had a great time. 

 I'm ready to snorkel!
 Hannah enjoying the lake!
 Sadie hangin' in her boat!
 Mike, Tracy and Maddie!
 More chillin' on the patio
 The girls!
 Um, dad, what is on your head?
Wasn't that just on dad's arm?