Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Saying Goodbye

"Its so hard, to say good-bye"....insert 80's Boys II Men music here.

I have been dreading this day, and writing this post (therefore I am about a week late in writing it).  I am sad to say that Sadie's audiologist, Miss Erin, left the Midwest Ear Institute to move to California.  To say I was devastated when she told me the news is an understatement.  Erin is the one that helped get me through the mental, emotional and physical stress of  having a child diagnosed with hearing loss. She is am amazing person and audiologist and I am so sad to have lost her at MEI. She has taught me so much, but most of all that hearing loss is not a limitation in life.  Every child has their own set of challenges, Sadie's just happens to be her hearing. 

I had to find a little irony in the last visit we had with Miss Erin a couple of weeks ago.  The first time I met Erin she gave me bad news...Sadie had hearing loss.  At my last visit with Erin, she gave me bad news again...Sadie's hearing loss has progressed over the last two years.  Her hearing is about 10 db worse than when she was born.  The good news, though, is that Sadie is still making GREAT progress.  As for now, her hearing aids are still working for her.  If for some reason that changes, we can try stronger aids.  If that doesn't work then we might have to investigate a Cochlear Implant.  However, at this time, Sadie is doing just fine.  I pray her hearing loss doesn't get worse, but if it does, I am so grateful to have the Midwest Ear Institute.  Even though I won't have Erin there anymore, there is a team of great audiologists who will take great care of Sadie.

Erin told me before she left, and with such conviction that I have to believe her, that "No matter what happens with Sadie's hearing, she is going to do just fine."   And she couldn't me more right!

Thank you Miss Erin, for everything. We miss you!

4th of July Vacation

We decided this year's family vacation would be a week long stay at the Lake of the Ozarks.  Before we headed out of town, however, we thought Sadie might enjoy Kaleidoscope and lunch at Fritz's.

 Waiting in line with Grandma. We were the first ones there!
 Water coloring. Something I rarely get to do!
 Drawing like an expert.
 Final touches on my masterpiece.
And of course I have to finish lining up all my supplies! I am so organized!
YAY! Lunch time!
The next day we headed down to the lake. We had some relaxing time before the rest of the family joined us, so we decided to take Sadie on her first Go Kart ride, as well as watch the sun set with a glass of wine (water for Sadie of course).
 Getting ready for Nascar!
 Special treat for mom and dad!
Later that week the rest of Troy's  family arrived.  Sadie LOVES getting to spend time with her cousins.

 Happy Americas!
Cousin Nolan and Aunt Veronica.  Nolan is a heart breaker! 
 Making cupcakes with Pap, Caleb, Nolan and our buddy Roman!
 Um, this is pretty good
And of course I have to jazz up my 4th of July outfit!  Scuba mask..the perfect accessory!
Oh, and I did a little artwork while I was down at the lake. 
Yep, I can color better than my mom and dad!
Later that night we headed out on the boat for some fireworks! Sadie really enjoyed them..for about 5 minutes. Then she was off to play with her buddy Kate!
 Watching the fireworks in the front of the boat with daddy!
(PS-Anyone else have hair envy of this child!)
Sadie and her buddy Kate!
We had a great vacation, even if we didn't travel too far.  We got to spend lots of quality time with Sadie and enjoy our boat!  Sadie even got the be the captain!
I rule this joint!