I have recently been told (by more than one person) that I do not show enough pictures of Miss Rose. So here are a few that we took over the weekend.
In this picture mommy is trying out all of Sadie's new hair bows.
This is what happens when Sadie is allowed to do her own hair. Yikes!
Sadie is a happy camper eating lunch!
Sadie has now learned how to wink on command (okay, really she just shuts her eyes). Below she is practicing.
And for those of you not on Facebook, here is a picture of Sadie wearing her cute hat!
Sadie continues to do very well with her therapy. She is imitating a lot and talking more and more (see sidebar for her current vocabulary). We had another sound booth test (#7 I think) on Monday. Sadie did great with her right ear. She is hearing low frequencies at 55dB. Her left ear, though, she didn't respond hardly at all to any sound. We think that since this was her 2nd ear to be tested, she got tired of listening and turning her head. She was also paying a lot of attention to the audiologist who is in the sound booth with us entertaining her. We will head back in 6 weeks for another test where we will start with the left ear. Of course, as a mom, I was a little worried about her not responding to sound with her left ear (this is/was her better ear), so of course, I took it upon myself to do a little testing at home :) I took off her right hearing aid so she only had her left one on. Then I said her name (which she turned to) and then said "nite nite" which she responded "nite nite." So that made me feel better that she is at least hearing with the aid in. The speech therapist even mentioned that when Sadie is focused on a toy or an object, she will not pay attention to you at all. So let's hope that is all that was happening.
We also found out that Sadie has ear wax build up (gross!) in both of her ears. It isn't a barrier to sound yet, however, it could be in the future. Therefore, we are heading to the ENT in two weeks to have it cleaned out (it isn't something I can do myself). There was also a little fluid in her ear so we need to ensure there aren't any concerns there either.
Other than that, Miss Sadie hasn't been up to much....other than starting to throw temper tantrums! I thought this is something I would have to deal with when she was 2 or 3, not 1! But oh my goodness, if she doesn't get what she wants, she throws a fit...tears and all! If anyone has any ideas on how to prevent this (other than giving her everything that she wants), please let me know :)