Well, we pretty much have a walking toddler in the family. Sadie has really started to take off on her feet. She LOVES walking and wants to do it all the time. Great, except when it takes 2 hours to get out of Target because we are taking baby steps :) And when she throws a fit because I have to pick her up and put her in the car and she isn't done walking....sigh.
Below is a video of Sadie walking about 2 weeks ago. I heart the Frankenstein arms! :)
Here is a video of Sadie walking last week. You can already see the vast improvement she has made in her balance.
We took Sadie to the ENT last week to have the wax cleaned out of her ears. Oh-My-Goodness! I thought it was rough on a parent when your kid had to get shots....this was worse. We had to hold her down while she was screaming and crying so the doctor could get the wax out of her ears. It isn't a painful procedure, she just didn't like being confined. I am sure we scared off anyone in the waiting room. The doctor was able to clean out both ears (amazingly) and her left ear actually had so much wax that she probably wasn't hearing very well out of that ear. So we are glad that she got them cleaned out (even if it was painful on mama and grandma!). We go back to the audiologist for additional testing on the left ear in 2 weeks. I am hoping that she hears better out of it now.
Below are just a couple of cute pictures of Sadie to show everyone how much she LOVES books. And I LOVE that she loves books :) We can read 20 a day and that still isn't enough for her.
Love this face.."really mom...the camera AGAIN?"
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