Sadie had her 1st sound booth test today. Basically what they do is put her on my lap in a sound booth, and put headphones in her ears. Then they play sounds at different frequencies and decibels to see if she is hearing. They looked for her to turn her head or smile or any type of reaction that might indicate if she heard what just happened. They also have these crazy monkeys in a jar on the wall that clap and light up when they push the button. Kinda funny. This was all done without her hearing aids to see if our initial testing was accurate. It went just okay. She reacted as well as was to be expected for her age. She didn't react to all sounds, but that is pretty typical of a 6 month old. She did react at 70db to her audiologists voice. The audiologist said she was hoping she might have reacted at something closer to 40-50. That doesn't mean that she didn't hear at that level, she just didn't react. With all that being said, they did decide to turn up her hearing aids at the lower frequencies. The audiologist said that they were set pretty conservatively to begin with. They only turned them up 5 db, but I was still a little disappointed. As any mother would hope, I was wanting them to come back and say that she was hearing better than expected. But..the most important thing is to get her hearing all the sounds possible.
On a positive note, Sadie's speech therapist said she could definitely tell that she was hearing all of her ling-6 sounds, even the more difficult ones. Ling-6 sounds are a set of sounds that if someone can hear, then they should be able to hear all the sounds that lie within the speech spectrum. So that was exciting.
Sadie also had her 6 month check up on Monday. She is still a peanut! 25% for weigh (14.1 lbs), 50% for height (25.75 inches) and 60% for head circumference. She got her shots and was a total trooper. I was so proud. We did learn, though, that she might have a slight head title called Torticollis. It is very minor right now, but the doctor still wants to treat it. He said we could wait to see if it got better on its own, but it is better to be safe and get it fixed now. So..we are adding physical therapy to our list of weekly to-do's :) Hopefully it won't take too long to get rectified.
I probably sound like I am complaining about all of Sadie's issues and I don't want it to seem that way. I know how very lucky I am to have this special girl in my life. I love her more than words and know that God per her in my life for a reason! Lot's of people out there have it much worse!!!
Hope everyone has a great week. Here are a few cute pictures of Miss Rose! (Yes, she is sitting in a can thank my mom for that one!) :)
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