Well, tonight I got the final results back on how she ranked compared to NORMAL hearing kiddos(drum roll please!):
- Receptive language (what she understands)= 99%ile
- Expressive language (what she says)=99%ile
Last week we went to the audiologist for a sound booth test. We go about every 6 months at this point. It is still very hard to pinpoint exactly how well Sadie is hearing because of her age, but we try. This time we attempted Conditioned Play with her hearing aids in. Basically they have Sadie put a peg up to her ear and when she hears a sound she puts the peg in the pegboard. After a few tries, Sadie had it down pat. She would even say "I heard that!" She was also able to point out the picture of "xyz" when the audiologist asked her to. There were 4 pictures on the page and some were of things that were very similar sounding (ie-school and pool). Sadie got all of them right except for a plate of meat (come on, who knows that!) and a picture of a school, which she has never had exposure to. She could, however, repeat the words when asked (well, school, was cool, but that is normal for her age). When we got done, our audiologist informed us that they typically don't even ATTEMPT to train kids to do this type of testing until they are AT LEAST 2.5. Sadie isn't even 2 years old!!. Her hearing levels were at about 15-20 decibels (which is below normal conversation levels), except for one high pitched frequency which was at the normal conversation level. Basically this means we just need to ensure she is hearing her "s's" because that is the frequency that sound falls in. At this point I am not concerned because Sadie is able to repeat words with "s" in it, as well as add "s" to the end of words when appropriate. We head back in another 6 months to try again.
These days Sadie LOVES to sing. She is singing "Twinkle Twinkle, Wheels on the Bus, Itsy Bitsy Spider, the ABC song, and more. She also counts to 20, although sometimes leaves out 17 & 18. She is always asking me "mommy doing?" and when I correct her "WHAT is mommy doing" she always answers the question (ie-Mommy driving)....then WHY did you ask if you already knew...silly girl!
She surprised me the other day by saying "there's a turquoise car." First of all, I didn't even know she knew that word, and second of all, yep there sure was a turquoise car driving by!! We are still working with You and I. She always says "you want that" instead of "I want that." Hopefully she picks up on it soon. Otherwise, this child is having full blown conversations with me. I could not be more thrilled by my baby girl. Honestly, if you did not see her hearing aids, you would not have a clue that she is hearing impaired. Just the way I had dreamed. I am one PROUD MAMA!
Ready to go shopping!
Ride 'em Cowboys!
Snug as a bug in a rug!
you forgot Uncle Keith in the list of Sadie's words! :P
ReplyDeleteWe consider that a swear-word Keith, we don't brag about that :P
DeleteI am so happy for all of you! You have one smart and beautiful daughter!
ReplyDeleteWow, I must say that I am proud too. This makes me so happy when families I work with have such wonderful news to share. I can't wait to see you guys in a couple weeks. Thank you for being such wonderful parents to work with.