Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fall Fun

Sadie has been having a great time this Fall with all sorts of activities going on. It is also a fantastic time to teach her new vocabulary (her new favorite word is Jack-O-Lantern). 

We started the month off at Oktoberfest in downtown Lee's Summit.  We went with some of our friends who also have young kids and had a great time.
 I got a butterfly balloon made!
 Family Picture
First time riding a pony...a little nervous at first!

A few days later Sadie got her first hair cut (trim).  It was all she could talk about for days.  Even still she will randomly say "Laura cut Sadie's hair and mommy's hair."  It is pretty cool because Laura gave me MY first haircut as well.

 Yes people, this is my hair after a good brush out.
 Wetting it down so we can cut it!
 Look how long my hair really is!
And we are done!  The best part was the sucker I got!

Troy & Sadie carved a pumpkin last weekend.  She chose the Frankenstein design and helped dig out the insides of the pumpkin...for about 2 scoops. Then she was done.  She LOVED putting a candle in the pumpkin..excuse me, Jack-O-Lantern, and she tells "Frank" good night every night and blows his light out.  It is super cute.

 This is kind of gross dad, I thnk you can finish it.
Good job Daddy, Frank looks great!

Last night we made Pumpkin Muffins.  Sadie's favorite part was putting all the cupcake liners in the muffin pan. She also helped stir the muffin mix, and of course did a great job eating the cinnamon chips.  When I wasn't looking I think she also stuck her finger in the mix...good thing we bake the muffins and kill all the germs :)
 This is a perfect job for me. 
Fine mom, I will smile for you, but I am not happy about it!
Mixing up the batter!
And of course now is the perfect time to show off my Fall fashion! :)
Did you notice my pink cowgirl boots..Oh yeah, I picked them out myself.

Love fall clothes!


  1. Absolutely adorable!!!

  2. She is just precious and getting so big!! Glad you all are doing well :)
