Sunday, March 3, 2013

"I wanna do pears"...huh?

Last month before bed, Sadie said she wanted to do pears.  It took me a few minutes to figure out what the heck she was talking about.  Then it dawned on me, she wanted to say her PRAYERS.  We had done this once before so I was surprised she remembered. We had to take a video to document this sweet moment.

When I tried to explain to Sadie that we were praying to baby Jesus, whose birthday we had just celebrated at Christmas, she immediately associated it with the song "Away in a Manager."  So now after we say our prayers, we have to sing "Away in a Manger. " And she always asks to sing the "cattle part, " which I believe is the 2nd or 3rd verse.  I never know it, so apparently I am going to have to learn it :)


  1. Sara, I just found your blog because my 5 month old son was diagnosed with moderate to severe hearing loss. I haven't read through all your posts yet but so far I love your blog!!! It's so great to hear how well your daughter Sadie is doing. Just curious, did/do you use any sign language with her?

    1. Hi there! I am so happy you found my blog. I hope your son is doing well. We chose not to do sign with Sadie because we were concerned that if we did, she might choose to use that over communicating verbally, which is what our goal was for her. Her audiologist said that studies have proved that some children will use sign instead of their voice. So it was just a personal choice for us. She can hear some if you take her aids out and talk above conversation level in her ear, so we have not had any major issues at this point with conversing with her. I am happy to answer any other questions you might have. And would love to hear more about your son. Feel free to email me at

      Take care,
