Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Little Behind

Yesterday Sadie has her bi-weekly speech therapy appointment with Stacy.  During this week's therapy Stacy did an evaluation of Sadie's progress.  Based on the activities Sadie is doing (cooing, turning to noises, understanding hi/bye, etc), it looks as though Sadie falls in the 4-6 month range, with a few achievements in the 6-9 month category.  While it is painful to hear that your daughter is behind, it actually is right where one would expect her to be.  Sadie got her hearing aids at 7 weeks old and started wearing them all waking hours at 4 months.  That means that Sadie's hearing age is between 2-4 months.  Subtract that from her current age (8 months) and you end up with 4-6 months. 

During our therapy session we also worked on seeing how far away a noise could be and Sadie still react to the sound.  Stacy was able to shake a rattle about 5-6 feet away and Sadie went looking for the noise.  I thought that was pretty good! We tried a little farther away and a little quieter, but she kept getting distracted by the dog and the noisy neighbor (blowing grass off his driveway..ugh!).  So we will keep working on it and seeing how far she can hear!

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