Thursday, April 7, 2011

Shaping Up

Today Sadie had her 2nd sound booth test.  This time she was tested with her hearing aids off and with them on.  When she had her hearing aids off, she responded to the audiologists voice at the appropriate levels, however, she didn't respond to the tones that they played.  When we tested her with the aids on, she responded the same way.  The audiologist felt pretty confident this was simply because tones are "boring" and not interesting for a child.  She basically is just ignoring them.  We go back in 5 weeks for another test.  We are hoping by around 9-10 months we will be able to have a better gauge as to what she is really hearing so we can ensure her aids are set appropriately!

We went last week for Physical Therapy and Sadie did GREAT!  Her torticollis (head tilt) is now only about 5 degrees.  She is rolling over both ways and making great strides in sitting up.  The PT is now letting us go two weeks before our next visit.  Keep your fingers crossed that her torticollis will be completely corrected the next time we go in.  (A huge THANK YOU to my mom who does therapy with her 3-5 times a day when she watches her!)

We met with the speech therapist earlier this week and she still thinks that Sadie is hearing well.  Now we are just really working on her vocalizing sounds.  Our hope is that in the next month or two she will be saying some consonant sounds ("b", "d", "mmm.")  I think that it is really starting to hit me that she has hearing loss as she is starting to become slightly delayed in the vocalization area.  BUT.....I will do everything I can to get her back up to speed.  We aren't too behind yet, and can always make up the time as we go!!

In other news, we are on night 4 of not swaddling Sadie and (knock on wood) it is going well.  Last time we tried this she woke up every hour crying.  After 4 hours of that, I finally put her back in her swaddle.  This time, however, I think she is enjoying it much more.  She now sleeps on her side and occasionally even her belly.  I hope she continues with the good sleeping!

I am a bad mom and don't have any pictures to post since my last I will try and take some this weekend to put up!

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