Friday, January 4, 2013

First Day of Preschool

Wednesday, January 2nd was Sadie's first day of preschool.  I am writing this post so that I can document every moment of that day.

We started discussing Pre-School with Sadie as soon as we found out the school had space for her (which was about 2 weeks after we toured the facility.  I never thought it would happen so quickly!).  We talked to her about the fact that she could not wear cowgirl boots to school (not appropriate for running around), she could not wear her jammies to school (she had to get dressed every morning), she would drink out of a normal cup (not a sippie cup), etc.  She seemed very excited and eager to meet and play with new friends.

The Friday prior to her first day I met with the Team Leads and teachers to explain about Sadie's hearing loss and how the hearing aids worked.  I could not have asked for a better group of people. They were so attentive and inquisitive about Sadie and my concerns. 

Tuesday night before her first day of preschool I was a complete wreck.  I was bawling (please ensure you never say balling or your mother might correct you and explain that that word means something completely different and inappropriate...thanks mom! :)).  I NEVER understood why parents were always so upset about dropping their kids off.  Now I COMPLETELY understand.  I am watching my child grow up before my eyes and while I am SO proud of her, I am sad that she is growing up. 

Wednesday Morning did not start out how I had expected.  We laid Sadie's clothes out the night before so she would understand what she was going to wear to school on the first day.  Well, in true Sadie fashion, she had a different opinion.  She thought jammies would be the perfect thing to wear that day.  After about 5 minutes of back and forth with her (me biting my tongue and trying to be as patient as possible), she finally conceded and put on her clothes. 

We drove up to Pre-School, walked into the classroom and Sadie acted like she owned that place.  She sat right down in a chair and started working puzzles.  I told her good-bye and she pretty much just dismissed me.  Go figure (I better get used to it, eh?).

The teachers were wonderful and updated me throughout the day.  Here was her first update around 10:00. 

Just wanted to let you know how Sadie’s morning is going.  She is doing AMAZING.  We are shocked that this is her first day ever in a center.  She is picking up our routines so fast, packing up her work when she is done, sitting nicely with her friends for breakfast and she saw how her friends packed up their plates and she followed their actions.

Every time we give her work we demonstrate it first, and we only have to show her one time and she does it all on her own.  I’ve attached pictures, one is where she is doing a matching/puzzle work (the tea cup tile will only fit in with the teapot, the dog with the dog house…)We have older kids in this class that struggle with that and she knew every match on her own.  The 2nd picture is of Sadie playing dolls with a friend.

We will keep you updated throughout the day, we are really excited to have her in the Ladybugs!

All I could think was WOW!  This was better than I ever could have imagined!  My 2nd update came around 1:00 that day.
Sadie had a lot of fun playing in the Jungle today, when we walked up to the door she stopped and asked if she could go in there, she was so excited. She didn’t eat much lunch, it was vegetable lasagna with apples and bread. She ate half a piece of bread, and about 5 apple pieces (also two glasses of milk).  I got her to taste the lasagna but she said she didn’t want any more of it.
 She just now fell asleep. We took her ear pieces out and pulled the battery areas out. She was a little fidgety so I sat next to her and held her hand til she fell asleep (I tried patting her back at first but that seemed to be keeping her up).
She loves that hat, she put it back on to sleep with.
Can I just reiterate how much I love these teachers? I mean, to hold her hand until she fell asleep (probably to keep Sadie from getting up and making a ruckus, but still!). 
At the end of the day, I left work and went to pick up my girl.  I ran into Sadie walking down the hall towards the  "Jungle."  It is this big open room that has playmats and allows the kids to run, jump, and scream in it.  I kid you not, this was Sadie's reaction to seeing me. "Mommy!" (Excited face), (Tormented Face), "No Mommy, No.  Sadie doesn't want to leave."  And she threw herself down on the ground screaming and crying.  Not the reaction I was expecting at all.  So I allowed her to go into the  jungle to play for a bit while I spoke with her teacher.
The teacher informed me that Sadie could not have had a better day.  They realized very quickly that they are going to have to work to keep her challenged. She is already doing things that the older kids have troubles doing (HUGE GRIN on MOMMAS face). 
After about 10 minutes, we had to leave in order to make it home for Speech Therapy.  Again, Sadie threw herself down on the ground crying that she didn't want to leave, but I finally coaxed her into it by telling her that Minnie Mouse was in the car waiting for her (this little doll she has).
All in all, a fantastic start.  Today (she only goes MWF) on the way in she said she didn't want to go to school, she wanted to go home (uh-oh), but she was fine as soon as we got into the classroom.  Let's hope that she continues to do well!