Monday, March 25, 2013

Stir Crazy

As many of you know, we got more crazy rain/snow this weekend.  Since it wasn't particularly good weather to be playing outside, we had to figure out ways to entertain ourselves inside. 

We decided building a fort would be a good start (sorry, I didn't get a picture of it) :(  But needless to say, Sadie loved it and we sat in there and played ball, watched tv, and ate dinner.

Next came hot chocolate.  And "Marsha-mellows" as Sadie calls them.

Then Troy & Sadie decided to have an indoor snowball fight.  Sadie entertained us by falling over after getting hit with the "snowball."  (And in true Sadie fashion, she did not "perform" as well when the camera was on her.)

Next, Troy & Sadie decided to chase Louie around the table.  Because why not harass the dog while you can :)  I swear I will never get enough of her giggles. I just love them!


And finally, the night concluded with Sadie waking up at 3am vomiting.  Not such a great end to what was a great day.  Poor girl.  Luckily it was fairly short lived and she is back to her happy self today!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

"I wanna do pears"...huh?

Last month before bed, Sadie said she wanted to do pears.  It took me a few minutes to figure out what the heck she was talking about.  Then it dawned on me, she wanted to say her PRAYERS.  We had done this once before so I was surprised she remembered. We had to take a video to document this sweet moment.

When I tried to explain to Sadie that we were praying to baby Jesus, whose birthday we had just celebrated at Christmas, she immediately associated it with the song "Away in a Manager."  So now after we say our prayers, we have to sing "Away in a Manger. " And she always asks to sing the "cattle part, " which I believe is the 2nd or 3rd verse.  I never know it, so apparently I am going to have to learn it :)