Friday, September 6, 2013

3 Years Young

Sadie turned 3 last week and I still can't believe my baby is growing up.  I absolutely love this age (with the exception of the tantrums). Sadie is such a funny, smart little girl. 

We had a Dora party to celebrate her 3rd birthday.  Sadie was blessed to have lots of family and friends help celebrate her big day.

Sadie also moved up to the big kids class at pre-school. She moved from the Ladybugs classroom to the Zebras and has done very well with the transition.  Her school has the best teachers. They just love Sadie, and she loves them!

In other news, now that Sadie has turned 3, she is no longer eligible for First Steps services.  Therefore, we had to find a new speech therapist.  Luckily, Midwest Ear Institute has a SLP, so we have started sessions with Miss Megan.  We had an evaluation this week and will find out the results  in a couple of weeks at our next session.  I figured it was a good sign that all throughout the session she kept saying "She JUST turned 3?!?."  We should also be getting some new hearing aids in the next couple of weeks.  More to come once she gets them!

And finally, to celebrate Sadie turning into a "big girl," we gave her a big girl room.  We had so much fun painting and decorating it.  Huge thanks to Granny Kathy and my mom for helping out.  Sadie absolutely loves her new room!

 Barbie Stuff!  Just what I wanted!
 Light up cowgirl boots...princess boots!
 And a matching light up cowgirl might be stealing that!
 Barbie Princess wings!
 YAY! More Barbie stuff!
 And MORE Barbie stuff.
 Opening a card from grandma on my actual birthday
Miss Tina telling me to get my gloves on!
Passing out cupcakes at school 
Sadie reminding every child not to eat them until they sing Happy  Birthday! 
 That is a gooood cupcake! 
My new room! 
My book nook!