Sunday, April 15, 2012


Sadie had a great Easter this year.  It started off by us going to church.  Church was supposed  to have childcare available for the 8:00 service, but when they got there, they did not.  Since we were already there, we decided we would try and have Sadie hang out with us during the sermon.  She did first.  About 1/4 of the way into the sermon the pastor says "and there was a pregnant pausse..." (the whole church is silent) and then Sadie decideds to shout "Yeeeeoooohhhhh" at the top of her lungs.  Go figure...we were  that family :)  So from that point on, Troy and took turns taking Sadie out and walking around with her until church was over.  Afterwards, Troy hid some eggs that Sadie had decorated during therapy earlier in the week.  Below is the video of her finding eggs.  I have to laugh at the end because she finds a hard boiled egg whose shell had partially come off. She picks it up and says "squishy!."  You will see below, it is pretty funny. (PS-sorry for the bounciness of the video...Troy isn't the best videographer).

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sadie & Rylan at the Park

I have been a complete slacker lately and apologize for not posting.  My mom and her friend took Sadie and her friend's grandson Rylan to the park on Monday for a picnic.  They had a great time.

 Race ya Rylan!
 Wood chips are the best!
 Off I go!
 Look mom, no feet!
My first kiss.  Look out daddy!

Sadie is talking up a storm these days.  She repeats EVERYTHING you say.  I was clearing my throat in the car (allergies) and all of a sudden I hear her clearing her throat in the back seat.  I said, well you are just a little repeater.  And she says "repeat."  I LOVE every minute of it.  She even surprised me the other day by counting to ten all by herself!  She also knows all of her colors.  Smart little girl! 

I have a video of her hunting Easter eggs, I just need to remember to download it.  Hopefully by this weekend!