Monday, January 10, 2011

Pump up the Volume

We met with the audiologist today to have her turn up Sadie's hearing aids.  I haven't been noticing her react to any loud sounds, so we thought it would be best to turn them up.  They were set pretty conservatively to begin with, so now they are just up to where her ABR says they should be.  I still haven't noticed a ton of reaction from loud noises, but the audiologist feels like she is hearing.  My fear is that her hearing is getting worse.....let's all pray that is not the case.  And now we have to battle the feedback that comes with louder volume.  She is getting new ear molds tomorrow, so hopefully that will help with the feedback. Otherwise, we are just going to have to work on her sitting up on her own so she doesn't brush up against things which causes the feedback.

1 comment:

  1. Brooke sent this link to little Jack and I. He told me to tell Sadie hi for him. great blog too.

    Take Care,
    Nic and Jack
